Bachillerato Dual

No dejes pasar la oportunidad de inscribirte en nuestro programa de Bachillerato Dual Caude, donde el colegio se une a la universidad americana con el único objetivo de proporcionar a nuestros alumnos un futuro sólido y sin fisuras. 

Nuestro alumnos serán profesionales bilingües preparados para el mundo del futuro, el mundo en Inglés. 

Don’t miss the opportunity of achieving our Caude Dual Program degree!

An Internationally Recognized Qualification accredited under the highest standards in the country: the State of Florida and its Department of Education, the US Department of Education, National Blue Ribbon Schools, AdvancED and the Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

The union between school and the American University.

Present in 20 countries, such as Spain, France, Italy, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Chile, Korea, China, among others; more than 700 schools in Spain conducting the dual program.

Main objectives:

- linguistic immersion – all communications are in English (students, American teachers and program directors at school)
- Technology immersion- mastery of digital technologies and platforms, to which teachers and parents have full access.
- personal immersion – development of responsibility, maturity, autonomy, time management, adaptability and flexibility.

¡Prepara el futuro de tus hijos con nosotros!